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Resume is the key to a dream company

“I respond to vacancies, and in response to silence,” “candidates do not read the requirements at all,” “finding a professional is becoming more and more difficult.” When you hear complaints from both employers and job seekers, your brain “boils”. There is a feeling that they walk along parallel roads, speak different languages ​​and that is why they will not meet in any way. Let's try to figure out where the tail that wags the dog is buried.

The first acquaintance of the candidate, eychar and employer occurs through a resume. The applicant wants to work in a certain field and includes in his electronic presentation (resume or CV, who is used to calling) all his accumulated professional and life baggage. Lists small and large companies in which he worked, mentions good soft skills list and hobbies. Further HR looks at the diagonal of 300-500 resumes per day. On each spends no more than 10 seconds. The main task of a personnel professional is to find matches for keywords. The direct manager is waiting for someone who will solve his problems and bring practical benefits to the business.

A resume is not a formal passport questionnaire, but often your only way to make your company known. Therefore, the template downloaded from the Internet does not work. Companies need to speak their language. And write in a resume about your professional benefits. This is the only way you can reach your dream company through hundreds of identical emails. You start with a motivation letter, where in addition to contacts (and this is a phone, an e-mail and links to accounts on social networks) there is a convincing story that fits into the formula “I have such and such skills, I can solve such and such a problem with such and such KPI”, and an example that proves your words. And the same professional benefit migrates to the resume + cases with numbers (it was - it became) + ways to solve problems.

However, any theory, albeit useful, works much more efficiently, if supported by examples from life. That is why we (Irina Kontoreva - the creator of the resource "Vacancies for good people" and Ksenia Solomatina - the creator of the resource "Smart Abroad") decided to launch a series of video interviews on our sites to pump your resumes. The main characters: the applicant and his potential employer. Areas: media, marketing, linguistics, IT and design. You will finally get feedback and find out what mistakes you make in the resume, what keywords bosses look for and how to convincingly talk about achievements so that you can be called for an interview? The program "Key to a Dream Company" will be freely available on the platforms "Jobs for Good People" and "Smart Abroad" in social networks.


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